Learn how to gain extraordinary focus on your life purpose and your WHY. 

Why Coaching?

The focus of ReflectiveTransformation coaching is not just to achieve a particular goal, but also to create balance across all aspects of a client's life. Together, we will help our clients reach their life goals, ultimately bringing them closer to the life they have always wanted. 

Reflective Transformation Coaching can empower you to create change, motivate and inspire you, hold you accountable, build your confidence, and free you from fears that paralyzed you previously. There are times when you can achieve remarkable things simply by knowing you have a coach. Coaches can have a tremendous impact on your life, and they extend far beyond the benefits of learning formulas and methods from books.

SHIFT into a new mindset by identifying what has been holding you back using our powerful coaching to transform your thinking with individualized tools to accomplish your life objectives using an infusion of hypnosis and reiki into coaching sessions to maximize and enhance your progress.

Benefits of Reflective Transformation Coaching

  • Learn to see challenges as growth opportunities and overcome your fear of failure.

  • Avoid procrastination by learning different approaches and changing your strategies.

  • Learn to love yourself and cultivate compassion as you intentionally develop your sense of self.

  • Learn to attract an abundant life and grow in confidence.

  • Provides clarity on your purpose while awakening your awareness of your gifts and talents.

  • Create awareness and rediscover your passions.

  • Set and achieve realistic personal and professional goals.

  • Develop healthy commutation within relationships and establish effective boundaries.

Addictions and Codependency Support

Recovery from addiction and codependency is a lifestyle change. 

This lifestyle change needs lifelong support. Addictions come in many forms. Substances, food, other humans, behaviors, and drama, just to name a few. Addiction affects every aspect of our being. Mental, emotional, physical, social, spiritual, financial, energetic, and environmental. Clients come to Sam at different stages in recovery for different reasons. Cultivating recovery from addiction and codependency can unveil deeply rooted pain, habits, and belief systems formed in younger years. Sam navigates individuals along the recovery lifestyle using a personalized holistic approach. Guidance is provided for all stages of recovery, including early contemplation for a change up to seeking Advanced Spiritual Healing and Growth. 

Sam’s extensive experience with addiction is both professional and personal. Prior to creating Reflective Transformation, Sam worked in the mental health and addiction industry for ten years. Sam had the privilege to enhance her teaching skills under the gifted guidance and mentorship of Laird Brush, Executive Director at Westover Treatment Centre. Sam’s own recovery journey started in 2002.  She recovers out loud to share her experience, strength, and hope. However, client anonymity is an essential part of her practice.

Confidential Addictions and Codependency support are available in person and online.

Our Process

  • Reflect

    Reflect upon and investigate outdated habits and belief systems created in younger years that are now stored deeply in the subconscious mind and affect our present-day experiences.

  • Reframe

    Reframe and interrupt old thought patterns with a series of personalized modalities while in a deep meditative hypnosis state, bypassing the analytical waking mind.

  • Rebuild

    Rebuild and install updated phenomenal belief systems to support a productive, goal-oriented, healthy, happy, and prosperous lifestyle.

 Book Your Free Coaching Consultation Today

What People Are Saying


“I was introduced to Sam 2 years ago when I had hit rock bottom and didn't believe there was a way out. By then, I had been hospitalized for mental health issues and found no relief through doctors or professional psychiatrists. The entire course of my life changed when I met Sam. I felt seen and understood and became teachable and hopeful for the first time in 33 years. Today my career is flourishing, and with her guidance, I am able to love myself enough to take care of my physical body, my mind, and my spirit. I can navigate my life and relationships healthily and responsibly through counseling, reiki, and her mediation series. I would like to note that I travel 2 hours for an impersonal session. There is no one quite like her. Sam is the most wonderful teacher and healer, for which my family and I are truly grateful. “



"What can I say about Sam? I met her at a time when I was trying to figure out who I am. A soul so bright and an Aura that glows with a heart so kind, and it clearly shows. What a beautiful person, so kind and caring, who helps shut up the noise in my head when it seems to be blaring. The ways she has helped me I can't describe, but I know one thing she's definitely one of my tribe. Whether we work together often or time in between, I know I can reach out to her and be seen. 

So to sum up what I'm saying, if you're looking for guidance, look no further..... 

Sam has helped me out so much, I'm a stubborn man, but she never gives up.”


“I felt comfortable working with Sam immediately.  She is extremely caring and empathetic and really listens to what you are saying.  She is also intuitive in her approach, which I found really helpful.  I was struggling with a lot of overwhelm and stomach issues and my symptoms greatly reduced after just having one session with Sam.  Additionally, she provided an incredible audio that was helpful in my recovery.”

- S


“Sam is amazing.  She is very easy to talk to, and she really does care.  She does not make you feel like another client.   She has helped me see the world in a different way and has helped me see the beauty within.  She has made this growth process a very special experience for me.  Even on non-appointment days, she is there for guidance and help if needed.  One of the best things I did for myself was contact Sam for help and guidance.  She has helped me with my sobriety, spirituality, and mental strength.  I am truly grateful. “

- B