Meet Sam.

A powerful and peaceful spirit who emits sincere love, deep wisdom, and strength earned from the continuous work she has done to heal, evolve and enlighten herself.  Samantha is kind, accepting, and gentle making it quite comfortable to connect and open up to her.  She is a bright, beautiful, encouraging light who is effortlessly inspirational and shares her tremendous gifts in helping others find their paths. Sam demonstrates what she teaches. She is powerful, authentic, and unapologetically herself. Her intuition and energy will captivate and speak to your very soul. She is an exemplary artist in the realm of creating a new life.

  • Certified Reiki Master

    Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner

    Certified in Rapid Transformational Therapy

    Certified in Hypnotherapy

    Certified Addictions Worker

    Certified Social Service Worker

  • Qigong Practices

    Grounding and Energy Practices

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

    Neuro-linguistic Programming

    Parts Work Therapy- Internal Family Systems model

    The Silva Method

  • ASSIST- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

    WRAP- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (Facilitator Trained)

    MHFA- Mental Health First Aid

    Safeguarding Training

    Equality and Diversity Training

    Data Protection and Confidentiality Training

    De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations Training